Raymond Ayas
Managing Partner


Raymond Ayas is the Managing Partner and co-founder of Strategique Real Estate Solutions Inc. He achieves results for his clients with his tenacity, negotiation skills, creativity and hard work. He got his start in real estate managing a family-owned portfolio of residential apartments. Since 2003 as a tenant representative, Raymond has helped local and American firms in the achievement of their real estate objectives. A number of private colleges, Tata Communications, Penson Financial Services, Wachovia Capital Finance, Osborn & Lange Insurance Agency, The North Face Canada / VF Outdoor, Mediterranean Shipping Company, VitalAire Canada, Coradiant / BMC Software, and Quebec Cartier / Arcelor Mittal Mines number among his clients. He has developed a particular expertise in investment and development of office properties, from identifying acquisition opportunities to due-diligence to management and leasing. Because of high demand from corporate clientele, has expanded his services to purchase and sale of homes. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from McGill University. Involved in his community, he ran for federal public office in 2019, stood as President of the Board of Supervision of the Caisse Desjardins Bois-Franc-Bordeaux-Cartierville for eight years. Raymond always enjoyed serving the community, and was Vice-President of the Syndic Decision Review Committee of the OACIQ. His service at the OACIQ lasted ten years, ending in February 2022. The OACIQ is an industry watchdog protecting the Québec public, responsible for the application and enforcement of the Real Estate Brokerage Act.