- John Emory
- Vice President, Regional Manager, Quebec And National Vice President
- The Guarantee Company of North America
Our offices in Montreal had been located in 1010 de La Gauchetière for thirty-seven years. We found ourselves with a lease that was coming up for renewal; we had more space than we needed and we also felt that our premises needed to be renovated and redesigned in the event we renewed or certainly if we relocated.
In the past we have always handled this type of situation internally, however this time we felt that we should consider mandating outside assistance.
We interviewed a number of the traditional brokerage firms and chose to mandate Strategique Real Estate Solutions Inc.
Our selection was really based on Strategique’s knowledge of the market, understanding of transaction structure but most of all the kind of Strategique thinking that they demonstrated and proposed to use in order to leverage our position in the process.
The process was a difficult one with our existing landlord but through the efforts of Strategique we obtained a substantially better renewal opportunity while at same time an excellent relocation alternative if need be.
The individuals involved from Strategique Real Estate Solutions Inc. really listened to our stated objectives and tactically maneuvered the market to achieve them.
Thanks guys,
John Emory